Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow Skiing!!

February 21 Fran (my mother-in-law) My mom and me went to Brian Head skiing!! Fran and I had both been wanting to go but didn't know each other wanted to go so we finally got together and went skiing, and invited my mom to come too! We had so much fun! The weather was perfect, we couldn't have asked for better skiing weather. We got there around 10:00 and skied all day till 4:15 taking a short break for lunch! We had so much fun we decided that it needed to be an annual skiing trip!! I took my camera but the battery was dead so no pictures for this post. =)

1 comment:

The Stylers said...

Hey Kenz! It sounds like you guys had so much fun! I've never been, you should teach me how one of these days :) haha! Your header and page are way cute!!