Tuesday, February 11, 2014


live is good. today I read a post and it reminded me to slow down life for just a minute and think about what you have. I am so blessed. a beautiful caring loving spunky funny sweet daughter who i just don't know what i'd do without, an amazing husband who puts up with me and loves me for me, an awesome program in school that i love (sometimes this one is hard to be grateful for :), an awesome mom to babysit emma so willingly so Randan and I can go to school, a roof over my head, and an amazing family. We are doing good. Randan and I are both just plugging away at school. I'm loving my program, I have now started clinicals and it is great to actually experience what I will be doing, emma loves playing with grandma 2 days a week and is getting so big. I know all moms think their little girls and the prettiest, smartest, funniest, sweetest things around but Emma really is. :) And I'm not sure if I have said it but she is potty trained!! yay!!.... well kind of. she was doing awesome and then this week has had a few accidents but thats normal right?? haha I always hear that there isn't a book on how to raise a kid, but seriously someone should write one ;) anyways, hope you all are doing good. and if you're reading this (maybe no one is, but if no one is then I have nothing to be embarrassed about right) go write a blogpost cause seriously you all stink at blogging. okay not all of you, but my sister/sister-in-laws you're no good ;)