Monday, April 2, 2012

Big Changes

Lots of new changes have happened. First off my parents came for a visit. We were thinking we'd get to move that weekend but we didn't so instead we were able to play. We had a great time having them. Em warmed up quick and was loving her grandma and grandpa! They took a truck full of our stuff and our car back for us too. The next weekend Randan got out of the Marine Corps!!! I still can't believe he's out :)The Marine Corps is all we've known the past 4.5 years! Randan has accomplished so much and he has so much to be proud of, I think we'll both miss it a tad but we're excited for whats next. Randan was so ready to move on from the Marine Corps. Our house is rented out until August so my parents were so nice to let us stay at their St.George house, which we are so grateful for. We've been a little lost. Randan had a job planned out and it fell through, we were pretty bummed but I know it happened for a reason. Randan's decided he's going to go to school. We think he might join the guard and the ROTC as well, gotta have a little Military in there, nothing like he's used to but just enough. We're really excited/nervous for this new chapter. We're hoping we can get ready in time for him to start in May! I'm really excited for Randan and I know he'll do great! on another note! MISS EMMA IS WALKING!!! like full on walking, it is SO fun!! I'm probably the silliest first time mom out there but I get so excited every time I see her. It was so cute at first when she'd do it she'd laugh while she was walking, she thought it was funny stuff! She's pretty wobbly especially when she's tired but she just gets back up! We're having so much fun being close to family and having cousins aunts uncles grandmas and grandpas to play with. I can't believe she's gonna be a year here in a month! It sure goes by fast!

1 comment:

The Stylers said...

Yay so glad things worked out!! Cute pics! Emma is a doll!!!