Well with Randan having his surgery on the 12th he got 30 days of leave. we knew we were coming for the St.George marathon and thought we come and spend a week. We didn't do much but it was fun to spend some time with family. Friday night before the marathon we stayed the night in St.George and played games the saturday we woke up and went to the finish line. My dads goal was 3:05 but he kept saying he probably wouldn't do it that fast. he just barely missed it. he came in at 3:07. I was so excited for him. Being there inspires me every year. not necessarily to run a marathon but to start running. hopefully this year it'll stick. Congrats dad you did awesome!!!
on a different note tomorrow Emma is 5 months old!! I can't believe it. She has changed so much in the last month.
*She rolls so good
*She reaches for things and switches between hands
*She started scooting.
*Just the other day she was on all 4's. but couldn't figure out how to move she just kept burring her head in the ground
*She laughs more and more every day
*We've had a rough patch with sleeping we tried to let her cry it out and it didn't work she is way too stubborn. so after 6 days of it we gave up and now she wakes up about once a night sometimes twice, which isn't too bad.
*She is such a snuggle bug. I love this! although she won't let you rock her to sleep, silly girl.
We love u Emmi!
Your dad is my hero!! So inspiring! That is such a cute family pic, I just love little Emma. It was so good seeing all of you! :)
Your dad is awesome! during the
24th run My goal was to stick close to him so I would make sure I pushed myself hard and he had told me he ran 11 miles that morning so I though well maybe??....haha didnt work!!! your baby looks so much like Randan to me, she is getting big!
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