Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas!

First off I hope that Santa found everyone and that everyone had a very merry Christmas! Em was way sick thursday and friday throwin up and down (poor thing it was so sad), but then was better Saturday and Sunday. Monday, Christmas Eve, we had a party with the Woods. We ate played games, the kids acted out the nativity and did some talents, it was a blast. Em was just not herself though, she didn't want to play, was way quiet and way clingy to me. I figured she wasn't feeling good but didn't know. We came home and around midnight she threw up a few times and around 3 a.m. down a few times. We were pretty nervous and decided it wasn't worth it to wake up early and go to enterprise like we planned. We just let her sleep in and when she woke up she was happy as could be. She loved all her toys and was excited to play with them. Didn't love the opening part, she just wanted the toy. :) After we opened it all up we headed to Enterprise and opened presents with my family. and then over to open at the Woods. We were all SO SO SPOILED! We are every year! After we came back to my house for Christmas dinner and games. I think Em is finally over being sick, fingers crossed anyways. All Randans family is here and they will be here all week so its fun to see them and hang out. We're enjoying being with family and the break from school!

1 comment:

The Stylers said...

Ok I love ems little attitude haha she's so cute. Glad you had a merry Christmas!