so we got a crib from Randan's sisters! we were so excited that we wouldn't have to purchase one. I had my bedding for Emma's room all picked out and talked Randan into sanding and painting it black with me. So we did and it looked great! but Randan complained about the cost of my bedding, so.... I found a new one.However, It wouldn't look good with black of course so we had to paint it white! ha ha! Randan wasn't such a good sport about painting it a second time and from black to white! In fact he told me I could get the more expensive bedding, but I liked the cheaper one better! ha! so he helped me paint it white! what a good man I have! He's so good to put up with me! we got it all painted and the bedding came and I love it! Thanks Jess and Kaydee for the Crib!! little by little we're getting Miss Emma's room put together! I'm getting quite anxious for this sweet little girl to get here, we have about 8 more weeks!
An update on us, I'm still working and getting quite large! Randan headed back to California and will have physical therapy three days a week at least until March 31st then who knows whats next for him. We're doing great tho! :)