these pictures of moby were taken after a walk on a pretty warm day! It was hilarious. we got back and he wouldn't leave the kitchen floor (cuz its cooler) he drank all his water and then just rolled all over the floor trying to keep cool. Randan and I were laughin at him for a good 20 min. ha ha. I can't believe how big he's gettin! I've already loosened his collar 4 notches! He's such a good puppy (most the time) and I'm so glad we have him
a little bit else of whats been goin on. I'm just finishing up my classes. I had my lab final today (5/11) then my last day of photo class is tomorrow then lecture final is 5/18! Then I'll have a month off (what to do what to do) and my summer class will start July 6th! I'm taking Chemistry and it will be mon-thurs from 9:30-2!
Randan's just been busy busy busy with all his courses that they have him in! He's gotten high shooter in 2 or 3 of them which is amazing! He's gone quite a bit but what else could we expect! He'll be gone for a month then home for 15 days then they deploy! how time flys, feels like he just got home! however, things could and more than likely will change a million times before it happens! I'm so proud of him for what he's doing and for how well he does it! being a marine wife i don't say thank you enough to all the men and women in the Military! They put in a lot of hard work and a lot of hours all to fight for our country! Its pretty amazing!
The other day we had a BBQ with a lot of the people/couples in randans sniper platoon! It was really fun and really good to get to know all the wives! We're going to continue to get together when the guys are gone! Its great having such a fun/supportive/great group of wives, and i am so thankful for them even tho i just met them!
so thats whats up lately! We miss you all and hope you're doing well!