Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Lagoon and stuff...

Randan and I finished up the semester, thank goodness!! Between the 2 of us we had 35 credits and we both got straight A's! My family invited us to go to Lagoon to watch Macee dance this past weekend. We went up Friday with Meag and Reece did a little shopping ate dinner and then went to the hotel and did a little swimming. The next morning, which was Ems 3rd birthday we headed for Lagoon. Me, Randan, Meag, and my mom went and road the big roller-coasters and let Reece and my dad take the kids. We had a blast and it was early enough there weren't lines. It was so fun, it had been so long since I'd road roller-coasters. Then we went and ate lunch. When we got back Randan and I took Em on some rides while everyone else went and relaxed and got Macee ready to dance. I wasn't sure how Em would do, and was a little nervous. She absolutely loved it. She wasn't scared at all. She giggled and waved the entire time. She was fearless and was begging to go on the big ones. We took her all the ones she was big enough to go on. Then we went and watched Mace dance. She did so awesome, I was so proud of her! It was so fun watching her! We went and ate dinner and then went back and took the kids on a more rides. We were there until close! We topped the night off with some McDonalds ice-cream. It was so fun and nice to get away and do something. When we got home we went and took some family pictures. Randan had convinced me that he was a photographer and that we could just set up the tripod and take them. My camera showed full battery but when we got out there after about 15 minutes it started flashing. About 15 minutes later it died. Emma was super tired and wasn't real excited about taking pictures either. So with what he had to work with, he didn't do half bad. :) Well anyways, I have one more week of freedom and then back to school for me. Summer is going to be rough but it sure will be nice when I'm done. Randan is working with his dad and will be gone a month for ROTC something or other in Kentucky. Miss Emma just turned 3 and is cuter than ever. I just love that little girl. I wish I could be more like her. :)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


live is good. today I read a post and it reminded me to slow down life for just a minute and think about what you have. I am so blessed. a beautiful caring loving spunky funny sweet daughter who i just don't know what i'd do without, an amazing husband who puts up with me and loves me for me, an awesome program in school that i love (sometimes this one is hard to be grateful for :), an awesome mom to babysit emma so willingly so Randan and I can go to school, a roof over my head, and an amazing family. We are doing good. Randan and I are both just plugging away at school. I'm loving my program, I have now started clinicals and it is great to actually experience what I will be doing, emma loves playing with grandma 2 days a week and is getting so big. I know all moms think their little girls and the prettiest, smartest, funniest, sweetest things around but Emma really is. :) And I'm not sure if I have said it but she is potty trained!! yay!!.... well kind of. she was doing awesome and then this week has had a few accidents but thats normal right?? haha I always hear that there isn't a book on how to raise a kid, but seriously someone should write one ;) anyways, hope you all are doing good. and if you're reading this (maybe no one is, but if no one is then I have nothing to be embarrassed about right) go write a blogpost cause seriously you all stink at blogging. okay not all of you, but my sister/sister-in-laws you're no good ;)